THE 300

Thank you for your support, financially but especially prayerfully. Through your faithful partnership we have cleared all but one hurdle to making our building expansion a reality. Approval from the City has happened, blueprints are finished and submitted, and we have paid our plan fee and submitted blueprints to the city. Praise God that a building contractor has our blueprints and is working on his estimate at this time. PRAY that his estimate is within our budget and that we can begin building very soon. My great desire is to have the construction done and in use before Thanksgiving. Having that extra space will make it feel like a home away from home for those we feed at the holidays.

Setting the Table for the Seder

On Good Friday, this year I again presented my “Christ in The Passover” Seder dinner. We set out a full Seder plate and taught how Jesus used the third loaf of bread on the table, which is pierced, striped, broken, wrapped in a linen cloth, buried, ransomed and redeemed at the Passover table. And then He had the Disciples drink from the Third Cup, which is the Cup of Redemption. Everyone, even those who were here for last years, said they learned a lot and came away with a greater appreciation for the importance of The Lord’s Table.

Two of our regulars, Kevin and Kimberly, came back this month after Kevin’s extended cold weather training out west. We are thrilled to have their fellowship again. April also saw an influx of new Marines, as Ethan, Michael, Dylan and Kazeto visited and have become regulars at The Center.

We would ask that you Pray for our Deployed Marines: Bryan, Ryan, Michael, Oscar, Jayson, Greg, and Nic are overseas serving our nation for the next half-year. We can’t wait for them to return, but in the meantime, keep them in prayer that God would keep them close to Him and that they would remain safe and faithful.

It was great having Janice visit Faith Bible with us!

At the end of the month we returned to Faith Bible Church in Elkridge, MD. Faith was one of the first churches we visited when we took on this ministry 3 years ago. One of our Marines at The Center, Janice, was on special assignment at Walter Reed Hospital that weekend and she was able to join us. She gave a great testimony of God’s work in her life through The Center. It was great to see old friends and to meet their new Pastor, Dr. Sung Cho. We had a great time of fellowship and thank God for their Partnership.

If you follow us on Facebook, then you already know about “The 300.” It is our fundraising campaign to eliminate our monthly budget deficit. If you already support us we ask for nothing more, just your prayers that God would raise up an additional 300 supporters at $10 or $20 per month. At $10 we can operate in the black month to month. At $20 we could hire a full time Assistant Director (We already have a great part time A.D. in Luke, and he is more than willing to come onboard full time) With a full-time Assistant, we could add more Meal and Bible Study times throughout the week, reaching more Marines and Sailors. Basically, we could run TWO Centers in the same building, effectively doubling our outreach. But first, let’s get our budget fully funded, then, as God permits, we will expand and help even more of our Troops Find and Follow Jesus Christ.

If you know anyone who you think would like to partner with us and become one of The 300, please direct them to our Facebook or webpage.