Blessings & Opportunities

Introducing Abraham!

It is our joy to announce the birth of our first Grandson, Abraham Maverick Mason! Abraham officially entered this world on June 20 at 8:59 pm. He weighed 8lbs, 3oz and is already 20.5” tall. Luke and Callie are proud parents of course and adjusting well to their new family dynamic. Luke continues to work part time at the Center helping me with web traffic, planning and filling in when Patty and I must be on the road. Luke will have another big announcement soon. Be on the lookout for it!

Return of a Servant

Jonathan Gagel, a Navy Corpsmen that I met while he was in FMTB School at Camp Johnson over 2 years ago returned to Jacksonville this month after his first assignment in Chicago ended. He is now assigned with a battalion on Camp Lejeune.  Jon, his wife and child are settling in, have started back attending the Center and wasted no time in showing their servants hearts. As I write this letter he is pulling weeds from the back of our property. He texts me a couple times a week and asks for tasks he can volunteer for to help Military Evangelism in any way he can. When Jon was last here we were averaging about 6 in attendance at our Friday night meetings. He is overwhelmed by the growth the Lord has given us and he and his wife have quickly made new friends among our fellowship.

Patiently Waiting

The Building Project is… progressing… slowly! We have a contractor, and he has sent out sub-contractors for HVAC and Electrical to write up estimates. We are waiting for the final price and start date. Praise God we are not fretting about the cost (yet!) since our supporters (like you) graciously gave $84,000 over the last two years. That money is just itching to be spent so we can have our expanded center ready. Pray we can complete the project in time for our Thanksgiving Dinner this Fall.

Another Salvation!

One of our regulars told me recently he was talking with another Marine after Chapel on Camp Geiger and had the opportunity to lead him to saving faith in Christ! He said he shared the Romans Road (which I taught on in our studies just a few months ago) and shared some pertinent facts about Biblical trustworthiness and the Marine was convinced the Bible could be trusted, and then trusted Christ! This makes two salvations in as many months as our Marines take what they are learning at The Center and share their faith with others!

Call for Help

Recently I received an email from a Chaplain in Norway. It seems one of our regulars left one of our invite cards in the barracks and the Chaplain found the card. He contacted me looking for help, and I want to share his request with you.

The PX in Norway is not well stocked and few of the Marines in his battalion (1/8) are getting care packages from home. He is asking for help to provide these young men and women with some necessities and some luxuries as they are so far away from home.  Here is his list of items they need:

Beef sticks
Chips (little bags)
Various packages of nuts
Trail mix (little bags)
Cookies (little packages)
Cheese crackers
Peanut butter crackers
Little bottles of hand sanitizer

If you can help and want to send along a care package just send it to our P.O. Box. Or you can make a donation and mark it “Deployment Boxes” and we will fill the boxes. We will also be adding a New Testament and Gospel literature to each package.